
Same-Day Delivery Service Running From Horsham

HTS’ Sutton depot has been running a popular same-day delivery service for many years and the team are looking to broaden its reach. With the demand for same-day delivery on the increase, the service is now being extended and is running from HTS’ Horsham depot in the hopes of satisfying urgent requirements from customers in a wider geographic area.

Managing Director, Ivan Knappett, says “We are continually working to improve our service offering and this is an exciting opportunity for us. Before HTS acquired Commercial and Plant in Sutton, their customers really valued the same day delivery option so it was something we were keen to implement at HTS. Working closely with the team in Sutton we have bought a couple of vans and have been running them from our Horsham depot to fulfil same-day delivery requirements.”

If you would like more information on HTS’ same-day delivery service, please email